Today we learn about Japanese puffer fish.We learn how puffer fish has only Have their fins when they need tools and if they built something there to work 24 hours a day for a week. We had a lot of fun.r a week. We had a lot of fun.
Spider’s Web
Today we did Spider’s Web.We did a lot about Spider’s Web.
The country of India.
Today we did learned about the country of India. We had to do a lot of researching.
The Wright brothes.
Today we did learning about wrght Brothes.
Today we did Applying. It was so fun and we got to learn about it learn about it.
paper plane.
Today we did paper plane it was so fun.A Dart has a pointy top and it could go further.
Paragraph writing.
We had to did a to do a paragraph. Today we did Writing it was so cool. We did a text it was so fun.We had a lot of fun.
shopping with Adam.
Today we read shopping with Adam it was really cool to do. We had a lot of fun.We did a text it was fun.
Mindfulness and Breathing.
This task we had to learn about mindfulness, yoga and body scanning. It was so fun.This is my task.